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Meet the Sea Creatures and other denizens of Mermaid's Song

Leafy sea dragons or Glauert's sea dragons live along the coast of south Australia and are related to seahorses and pipefish. The “leafy” parts of their body are only for camouflage, they don't help it swim.
Sea otters have the thickest fur of all animals. They eat sea urchins, fish, clams and other shellfish, and often find a rock they like and save it for future use to help getting inside those shells.

Spotted eagle rays are found all over the world in tropical regions. They can jump through the air, and the spots on their back are unique, like a fingerprint.
Orcas are the largest member of the dolphin family. They live in groups lead by a female (usually a mom or grandmother), and have an average lifespan of 50-90 years in the wild.

Cuttlefish are related to squid and octopuses, and can change color to match the environment despite being color blind. They have three hearts, and some cuttlefish can release ink to confuse predators.
Clownfish all live in sea anemones, but not all anemones have clownfish living in them. Sea anemones are related to jellyfish; a clownfish is only safe from the sting of its home anemone.

Sea turtles are marine reptiles that have to come onto land to lay and hatch their eggs. The largest turtle ever found was a leatherback in Wales that was 8.2 ft (2.5 m) long and weighed 1,984 lb
(900 kg).
The Kraken. A legendary monster of the deep that usually resides between Norway, Iceland, and Scotland. It was first described in the 1700's, but of course, mermaids knew about it for much longer than that.

The Treasure of the Deep is whatever your heart best desires, and mermaids know how to find it. They'll use it to charm sea creatures to your side. Hermit crabs protect it when it's not being used.
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